The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

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Human Design Goddess - Isis in Your DNA

Human Design Goddess - Isis in Your DNA

I was going to post about Isis sooner but in full transparency, she wasn’t ready to be shared yet. I’ve been integrating her. I started working with Isis in my DNA in May, but she’s been especially present for me since Virgo season started (she’s also in my Gate/GK 40, which was just activated by the Sun over the last week).

So, about Isis. You have her in your DNA too. Do you know her story? I can tell you that there are several iterations of her mythology, but the lesson that she’s been teaching me lately is mostly about the healing, life-reviving power of s*xual energy.

Isis was originally an ancient Egyptian goddess and was the mother, giver, creator and sustainer of all life. She also gives birth to the sun, is a goddess of medicine and wisdom and represents total feminine magic and Sacred S*xuality.

When her husband (and brother) Osiris was killed by his brother Set, Isis revived him by using her s*xual energy and conceiving their son, Horus. The second time Osiris was killed, his body parts were scattered all over the earth into 14 pieces. Isis searched for and tracked down all of his body parts but could not find his reproductive organs to revive him again.

However when the Sun god, Ra, was bitten by a snake and poisoned, he gave Isis the secret to reviving him and she became more powerful than Ra himself.

Isis became known as the one who possessed the magic to heal and to give life back to the dead. Although, despite her ability to overcome death itself, she is not above grief. There is a story that says when Osiris was dying, she wept, and one of her tears caused the Nile to flood.

Isis’ mythology is conflicting for me at times, but then when I see how she shows up in my DNA, I see how empowering she is for me.

In my Goddess DNA offering, you can see how Isis empowers you *specifically* too. If you’d like to explore this Virgo goddess in your DNA this month, visit get started ❤️

Money Healing, Your Body + Human Design

Money Healing, Your Body + Human Design

Goddess DNA. Did you know that you have it?

Goddess DNA. Did you know that you have it?