The Zen Femme by Korynn Elliott

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How to Fall Totally + Completely in Love With Your Finances. A Movement.

How to Fall Totally + Completely in Love With Your Finances. A Movement.

Most people would never use the words "in love" and "finances" in the same sentence. In fact, I'm pretty sure most of my family members would think that I'm utterly out of my mind for talking about this.

But at the end of 2017, I made the declaration to create a movement in 2018 to help women fall totally + completely in LOVE with their finances (and themselves, of course) so they could feel like they’re really thriving, radiant + divinely prosperous...even when things aren't perfect. 

Why would I do such a thing? Because I know what it feels like to have absolutely everything go wrong with money. And, I know that it absolutely sucks.

Here are some of the things that I've had on my plate before:

  • An exorbitant amount of student loan debt.

  • Monthly business expenses that exceeded my income.

  • Really bad investments.

  • People accused me of being "all about the money" when they wanted my services, but didn't want to exchange any money for those services. (This was me being completely out of vibrational alignment with my mission and who I wanted to work with)

  • Worked at jobs that paid me an hourly minimum wage when I had a graduate degree and then hated myself for being educated but still broke AF.

It is so crazy how we can weave such tangled webs around money. We can project every wound, every fear, every insecurity, every story we have onto money, tie it up into a knot, get stuck...and then turn around and blame it on the money itself.

It really is unkind (to ourselves) and it really isn't about the money. It's never about the money itself. It's about the energy that we have around money.

Every low vibrational frequency that we emit around money (including low self-worth, self-sabotage, worry/anxiety, despair, hate, grief, craving, fear, control, ambivalence, indifference) creates disharmony in our ability to thrive and prosper. Those heavy frequencies interfere with our ability to receive.

It’s important for us to resonate with the vibration of receiving for prosperity to be in our lives at a level that brings us comfort, provision, and sustenance, so that we can show up as our best in the world and help others do so too. Nevermind that having those heavy energies hanging around in our space just feels bad.

So, my suggestion (and movement) is to clean up all of those low vibrations and replace them with purely loving energy for yourself and your money. Fall in love with yourself. Fall in love with your financial situation. Know that you are worth more than struggle or anxiety or the inability to fully be yourself and nourish yourself and your family. When you know you’re worth more than that, you open up to receiving more and, therefore, you’ll have the fuel to shine your light much brighter in the world.

Need help? Start here.

This is powerful work and will change your life.

You are powerful. In fact, you are unlimited. So let's remember that and get back to the vibration of love and abundance.

Korynn xx

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