Projectors Know How to Make More Money While Doing Less

Why are most who teach about making more money while “doing less” Generator types? And, why are Projectors (the ones most likely to look outside of themselves) seeking advice from Generators on how to make more money while doing less, when it should be the other way around? Non-sacral beings: here’s a fact— without you, they couldn’t do it and certainly wouldn’t be in a position to teach about it. Here’s how.

Warming Light Bath for the Winter Solstice

This 12-minute rest medicine is so amazing for getting back into the body, balancing excess kapha or vata, and healing the body through rest, the breath, and warm light. Lay back, get comfortable and allow yourself to slip away into a warm and cozy bliss for this winter solstice.

These words, written by V: formally Eve Ensler, are the powerful Feminine embodiment of specific Human Design Gates and what is going on in the cosmos (and the world) right now. We’re being supported in this Revolution of the Body.

Includes a Spotify playlist for gently moving your body through the energy and emotions of these transits.